Join us for a movement performance that delves into the realm of sleep. Exploring the questions that arise from slumber to the wake of daily life, within a world that unfolds between the realms of day and night. Between dreams and nightmares, we examine our approach to one of our body's greatest needs: sleep.
This exclusive showcase is the final examination presentation by Stefan Droger, a student of the Directing program at the Toneelacademie Maastricht.
Theaterplatform PickUp NDSM Plein 79, 1033WC Amsterdam
Date and Time:
1 december 20:00,
2 december 15:00 and 20:00
Come and experience this unique exploration into the dynamics of sleep and existence. Limited seats available.
Cast: Nickey Boon, Frouwke Florentina, Salih Soner Er, Rob Das
Dramaturgie: Iris Korll
Begeleiding: Ivar Schutte
Geluid en muziek: Julien Essers
Regie: Stefan Droger
Productieleider: SD Theater
Decor en Kostuum: Jill Gielkens
Licht: Luuk van Gils en Stefan Droger
Foto: Ies Kaczmarek