Celine van Aalst
Speech and voice technique and expression
Aram Adriaanse
Coordinator of the Directing Program
Text-based theatre and directing
Ricardo Anemaet
Movement technique
Physical theatre
Mieneke Bakker
Acting technique, Directing
Aline Barbou van Roosteren
Fysical training
Ruth Benschop
Feli Berenbroek
Techniques and didactics of acting
Anne Bruggenkamp
History of Culture
Krien Clevis
Artistic Research
Marc Debisschop
More info

Techniques of acting

Natascha Dejong
Fysical training
Marcel Dolman
ICT, computer applications 
Maarten Doorman
Lector Autonomy and Publicity in the Arts
Wim van den Driessche
Techniques and expression of the voice
Nina-Elisa Euson
Acting, Theatremaking
Yvette Fijen
Staf Acting Program and Program Theatrical Performance
Teacher Techniques of the voice 
Christina Flick
Movement technique
Ben Geelkens
Perspective drawing
Technical drawing
Ruud Gerards
Speech and voice technique and expression
Liselotte Hambeukers-Nollet
Speech and voice techniques
Hans Hansen
History of Furniture
Pieter Hoes
Techniques and didactics of acting
Hans Holthaus
Peet Houwen
Techniques and didactics of acting
Luc Joosten
Dramaturgy, History of Theater
Roger Jungbauer
Elisabeth Kürten
Drawing sewinp patterns, coupe and costume realisation
Chiel Kattenbelt
Professor of the New Theatricality research group
Ton van Kempen
viewing culture
Esther de Koning
Paul Korenhof
Music and opera history
Woody Richardson Laurens
Coordinator Performance Program
Acting technique
René Jessurun Lobo
Techniques of acting
Bert Luppes
acting techniques
Herman Lutgerink
Techniques of acting
Hans Münstermann
Esther Maas
Leo Maessen
Acting didactics
Clément Mantz
agogics, subject analysis
Domien Van Der Meiren
Coördinator Acting Program
Acting techniques
Doortje Mesker
Techniques of the voice
Frank Mineur
Cultural criticism, Research
Peter Missotten
Performance analysis
More info

Peter Missotten (°Hasselt 1963) trained as a video artist (one of the students of Chris Dercon at St. Lukas Brussels). He worked all of his life in and around theatre spaces - starting as a light designer for ‘The Cement Garden’ in 1983. This started a long and passionate stage designer relationship with Guy Cassiers, which went on and off during some 25 years (‘Wasp Factory’, ‘Sunken Red’, ‘Rage d’Amour’,’ Der Fliegende Holländer’, ‘Onegin’… to name just a few). In 1994 he founded de Filmfabriek with Anne Quirynen and Anne Heyman: A company dealing with the crossover between digital and performance arts. They worked intensively on projects with artists as William Forsythe, Wim Vandekeybus, Guy Cassiers and Georges Aperghis. Artists as Wies Hermans, Bram Smeyers, Kurt d’Haeseleer and Ief Spincemaille joined them over the years. From 2000 on, Peter Missotten evolved slowly from a designer of digital media art for the stage into a director for performance arts and opera productions. In 2009, he directed the world creation of ‘KEPLER’, an opera by Philip Glass for Linz09 at the Landestheater Linz. In 2010 he created ‘MONTEZUMA - FALLENDER ADLER’, an opera by Bernhard Lang, for the Nationaltheater Mannheim. He designed the stage and light concept for quite a few choreographies, by example ‘The New Factory’ by Guilherme Miotto and Michael Schumacher for Dansgroep Amsterdam. He developed a visual, performance based libretto for ‘THE GOLEM’, a new opera by Bernhard Lang, which he staged (direction, video, lights and stage design) for the Nationaltheater Mannheim in april 2016. He is a Master in Visual Arts (LUCA School of Arts Brussels) and has a masterclass degree in Cultural Managment (University of Antwerp) He teaches performance arts at the Toneelacademie Maastricht and is professor Technology Driven Art for the Arts department of Zuyd Hogeschool the Netherlands.

Roshanak Morrowatan
Movement Techniques
Saskia Mulder
Acting, Didactics
Jan van Opstal
Movement technique
Peter Peters
Tutor Master Theatre artistic research / University Maastricht
Wensley Piqué
Fysical Moving
Bart Rademakers
Music / Musical accompanist
Dirk Reynders
Visuel Criticism
Günter Riebl
Maria Roers
Ek van Roosendaal
Computer techniques
Björn Rzoska
History of Culture
Rob Salden
Fysical training
Ulrike Scholtes
Cécile Schouten
Techniques of the voice, Singing
Johan Simons
Techniques of acting
Paul Slangen
Arthur Sonnen
Jacques Spee
Anatomy/ Life drawing
Berthe Spoelstra
Developping Concepts
Peter Stam
Elementary acting
Ilse Stammberger
Drawing sewing patterns, coupe, costume realisation
Joan-Ditte Steffers
Educational science
Claus Stump
Staf of the Program Scenography and costumedesign
teacher scenography, Costumedesign and model building
Leo Swinkels
Director of the Toneelacademie Maastricht, 1993-2013Teacher Dramaturgy
Sjef Tilly
Staf & Supervisor for design projects
Staf Master in Theatre
Mark Timmer
Sara Vanderieck
Martin Verheesen
Mieke Versyp
Gemma Visser
Veronique Vugs
Techniques of the voice
Ingrid Wender
Techniques of acting, Improvisation and performing
Dennis Wilgenhof
Techniques of the voice
Kiek Wishaupt
Coördinator parttime Program Teaching and Directing
Teacher Techniques and didactics of acting
Henriëtte Zoon
Developmental psychology
Toneelacademie MaastrichtToneelacademieTAM
Toneelacademie MaastrichtToneelacademieTAM
Toneelacademie MaastrichtToneelacademieTAM
Toneelacademie MaastrichtToneelacademieTAM
Website by Wies Hermans -