The Performance program is intended for performers who wish to work outside the classic format of director/actor. You seek out and transgress the boundaries of the theatrical medium, and you flirt with the visual arts, film, music, and literature. Improvisation and intensive training teach you how to deal with theatrical forms both old and new. You train the expressiveness of your body and your voice. You learn how to work with cameras, audio, and new media. During the projects, you get to know a wide variety of theatrical concepts, performances, acting styles, and media.
You yourself are the starting point for your performance. You put yourself on show, and that demands guts and a considerable amount of drive and perseverance.
During the theory lessons, you learn about the theatrical tradition and our cultural heritage. In doing so, you create a bridge with the present. You think critically about trends in the arts. What is the relevance of the performer? What significance do new media have for your work? You learn how to back up your own views with reasons.
Together with your student counsellor, you work out your own program sequence. You do a number of work placements. You give performances both in the Netherlands and beyond. The Academys teachers have at least one foot in the actual world of the performing arts in the Netherlands or the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. They have accepted the challenge of helping you explore new paths, through exercises, improvisation, small-scale performance acts, and multimedia performances all with the final objective of improving your expressive ability as a performer.
The Performance program is a 4-year full-time day-time program.