Theatre director

The structure of the program is the same as for the programs for Acting and Performance. Directors also follow a linear basic program lasting two years and an advanced program with workshop projects and work placements.

The first year is made up of 5 or 6 periods, each with a fixed lesson schedule of about 30 hours.

Your first year starts with a Shakespeare project, together with students in the Acting, Theatre Desingn and  Performance programmes. Periods follow in the course of the year during which you study your specific main subject, alternating with more general projects.

Acting and staging projects always conclude with a presentation. Your progress, what you have learned, and the points you need to focus on are determined three times in the course of the year.

You finish off your first year by creating a short production of your own.

In your second year, you work with guest instructors from the profession. You often work within a group. You improve your technique and knowledge of theory. You work mainly on projects that are specific to your own programme as a director. You go in search of your own individuality and autonomy.

You finish off your second year by creating a production of your own.

The workshops begin in the advanced part of your program, with students from the third and fourth years working together. In consultation with your student counsellor, you choose from a range running from youth theatre to multimedia performances and from repertory theatre to experimental theatre. Some workshops are specifically for a particular programme, some are as a co-production with a theatre company, and some are international.

You investigate various directing styles and also your own approach. You get to know a wide variety of directors and you do work placements elsewhere.

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Toneelacademie MaastrichtToneelacademieTAM
Photo: Solitude
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Toneelacademie MaastrichtToneelacademieTAM
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