The Maastricht approach just works. Every time. That's a result of the wealth of performance tools offered, combined with the space you're given to develop these.
Lies Geldhof, graduate of the T&D program, theatre maker
Studying at Toneelacademie Maastricht provided the perfect foundation for work in the broad field of the arts.
Suzan Tolsma, theatre maker
The universe does nothing for those that hope. But it makes you fly if you make an effort.
Urias Boerleider, Stage Performance lecturer at Conservatorium Maastricht & acting lecturer at Artez
The program offers ample scope for individual research and experimentation. Your skills as an actor, teacher and director are carefully scrutinised. This is all done in a very pleasant, stimulating and challenging environment. It is a hotbed of possibilities. I feel grateful every day for everything I learnt and discovered there. It's my passion, and thanks to the programme, it's now my job too.
Eline George, theatre maker