To be or not
Vierde- en derdejaars performers, derdejaars acteurs en eerstejaars regisseurs
In this online presentation you see the result of the research of role of technology in theater. Based on Hamlet by William Shakespeare.
A collaboration between students of the Toneelacademie Maastricht and 5 international PLETA students. (Platform European Theatre Academies)
Watch the performance here: “To be or Not”
By: Bram van der Snel, Nicole Pul, Hannah Aabakken, Tijn Hoekzema, Célia Hue, Julia Piklikiewicz, Ies Kaczmarek, Karol Gronek, Cor Langerak, Brent de Vries and Tuva Saugstad Karlsen
Led by: Peter Missotten and Woody Laurens
Special thanks to: Jean-Paul Caelen, Marc Zwietink and Jo van Laar
Duration: 30min